Kirsten Dunst hates America. Or atleast American tailors. According to Contactmusic, the fauxfashionista herself said "I think it''s all to do with heritage and where you're from. Because of that, the way Americans look and the way you (British)look is totally different. You have this history with tailoring and those little school boy uniforms. You just don't get that in New York," said Dunst."
Okay, so maybe England has been tailoring a bit longer than America has, since well, the whole Columbus discovering America in 1492 thing. But um, the new settlers were from England. So, unless every settler experienced some brain related injury while aboard the turbulent sea, its a safe bet that quite a few people knew how to sew in the same fashion as their still-British counterparts.
Besides, remember this ole' chap, Oliver Twist? His clothes look like shit!

So lay off your insults to American tailors, KiKi! Besides, you're no Twiggy